The Farragos are a race of cute but chaotic animals who live not just on a blockchain but in the pages of an #NFT holders only comic.

  • 3333 Farragos to mint
  • All NFT holders will receive a NFT Comic with their PFP as the main character
  • 1:1 special NFTs


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So what exactly are the Farragos? They are a race of cute but pretty chaotic animals who are always getting into trouble on crazy adventures.


The project is for 3333 unique PFP characters, but what makes this unique is that each NFT will unlock its own full length comic book where the main character looks exactly like your PFP NFT.  


Check out the Farragos NFT Roadmap plan

I created the Farragos #NFT to be cute and their lives are meant to be so perfect that nothing could go wrong. All they have to do is look good and be entertaining… but… something feels off. I’ve been observing them for days now and… No, I’m being silly. Everything is perfect.